This short film delves into the dual identity of Elisabeth Gerritzen, a remarkable pro skier and dedicated activist. While she thrives as Elisabeth the skier in the mountains, her advocacy work as Elisabeth the activist takes center stage in urban landscapes. Meticulously keeping these two worlds distinct, Elisabeth ensures that her passion for social causes doesn't overlap with her sporting pursuits. However, a pivotal moment arrives when she clinches the Freeride World Tour champion title. This triumph prompts a convergence of her activist and sportswoman personas, as Elisabeth chooses to leverage her prestigious title and the spotlight it brings to courageously embrace her true self in a public revelation.
"I want you to know that you are legitimate, in the mountains and everywhere else. Take up space, never apologize for being a woman or for not being heterosexual." Elisabeth Gerritzen
Athlete: Elisabeth Gerritzen
Director, Producer: Alicia Cenci
Cinematography: Blue Max Media, Guido Perini, Jacqueline de Gorter, Alicia Cenci
Editor: Viviane Flückiger
Translation: Jenna Keller
Graphic designer: Louise Nelson
Music: Tryphème, In a cyber spiral / Thx4Crying, Alors je descends plus bas / The Dolorean, Space Fashion / Crème Solaire, Ciel Reste